Team Anderson D. Michel

Anderson D. Michel
Anderson says each time he drinks whisky, he thinks about Haïti. First time he tried some, he was drinking the -small- bottom of a bottle left behind by his grandfather. Smiling, he explains it was a moment of warm exchange, his grandfather revealing his secrets. “Haïti is a tropical country, and you drink whisky with ice cubes.” Anderson isn’t a teenage boy anymore. For instance, he lives in France.
Though, he perpetuates his love of sharing and humanity through his work: journalism. Now, he spreads awareness on Port-au-Prince’s political situation and helps educate the media. Picking this profession wasn’t an easy choice in Haïti, as his worried mother kept reminding him since his childhood. But Anderson is sitting in front of me today, and we are working together in a french independent media outlet. Whisky flavor on his tongue, he stares at the ceiling and whispers: “I don’t know, it was stronger than me.” There are no ice cubes in his whisky glass.
Written by Misia Lerska
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