Team Leila Amar

Leila Amar
The first time Leïla pictured herself as a journalist, she was 8 or 9 years old. In front of Claire Chazal, this amazing woman everyone listened to, who received important guest and decided on important adult-conversation, the little girl from Puteaux would forget her dreams of pilots and witches, and imagined herself inside the television box. But going there didn’t happen to be straightforward, and not a destination in her career path, as she built said career on her affinity to meet other cultures. Determined, Leïla is a hard-working person who can only relax when surrounded by multiple cultures. She loved living in the cosmopolitanism of Dubaï, organizing massive press relations, related to music or literature, and traveling through the Middle East - she loved it so much, in fact, that she stayed five years instead of one. Without a flinch, she resigned from an internship in the cinema’s elite sphere, because it was too french-focused and lacked open-mindedness. She wished to come back closer to her family, and ended up finding the perfect solution by working as a cultural journalist for France 24 - which she did for 7 years. When Guiti News was launched, Leïla just happened to start a freelance journalist career. After meeting the team, she’s sure of it : she hit the jackpot ! To use her experience while learning alongside people from a vast variety of cultures was ideal to her. Right away, she liked the redaction’s goal and will to share real stories that must be known. Stories that open eyes, and hers first. Her eyes, that she shares with us through her film critics - find them all in our category Guiti Likes !
Written by Laëtitia Romain
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